2016/9/21 7:14
“Water bears’ latest superpower: Proteins that protect them from radiation – The Washington Post” https:...
“Water bears’ latest superpower: Proteins that protect them from radiation – The Washington Post” https:...
“Survival secret of ‘earth’s hardiest animal’ revealed – BBC News” https://t.co/zpmuUU...
“Scientists Finally Figured Out Why Tardigrades Are So Indestructible” https://t.co/gY6J750EAo
“東大など、微小動物「クマムシ」から放射線耐性たんぱく質を発見 | 科学技術・大学 ニュース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版” https://t.co/JGwpN5HOYT
“Tardigrade protein helps human DNA withstand radiation : Nature News & Comment” https://t.co/FWPgfcqSkH
“最強生物クマムシ、遺伝子に鍵 放射線からDNA守る – 共同通信 47NEWS” https://t.co/M4iHVSJwWN
“ヒト培養細胞の放射線耐性を向上させる新規タンパク質をクマムシのゲノムから発見: 東京大学” https://t.co/iiEMrSCkGp